H&I – Hospitals and Institutions
“Many Narcotics Anonymous members have found Hospitals and Institutions service to be an important part of their personal recovery. Our members, who actively participate in H&I service, are very important resources in our fellowship. A commitment to H&I service is one of the many ways to become involved with the NA service structure and help us feel a part of our fellowship.”
-Hospitals and Institutions Service and the NA Member
What does the H&I Subcommittee do? Narcotics Anonymous members take meetings into hospitals and institutions to carry the message that any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.
PR – Public Relations
“Carrying the NA message has been an important part of many of our members’ recovery and has helped some of us to discover and develop our abilities. The NA message of recovery can reach a great many people with your support. Participating in the PR committee gives you a chance to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”
-PR and the NA Member
What does the PR Subcommittee do? PR does anything that is public-facing that has to do with NA, our members, and the general public. We do anything from keep track of updating our meeting schedule either virtual or on paper, maintain our website with our web developer, connect new or potential members to meetings, maintain our helpline and all its functions, and even do events for the public to educate people on what NA is and how we help within our community.
Our activities subcommittee hosts events in the USCANA Area (and some outside the area at times) that facilitate fellowship and promote unity with our members. At times events are free of charge and others require members to pay a fee to attend. We’ve done activities like coffee socials, open mic night, pizza parties, bowling parties, ski trips to the mountains, and campouts at the Nantahala River like Recovery in the Mountains!
Area Business
Our current Area Business Meeting is in-person at 1:00 PM on the second Sunday of every month (Holidays could impact this schedule from time to time) at The Phoenix Center 1400 Cleveland Street Greenville SC 29607. Three of our service subcommittees are listed above, H&I, PR, and Activities. Attending the Area business meeting and meeting the committee chairpersons would be a great place to start for anyone looking to get involved with service in Narcotics Anonymous. USCANA is in no way affiliated with this facility, we simply meet here to conduct area business and have a few regular meetings at this location.